General Options
Name and City/Office/Country
This is the name of the person requesting the SekChek service. E.g. John Smith, Seattle, USA
Telephone Number
This is required so we can contact you in the event that we encounter problems or require clarification from you. Please use the international format for telephone numbers.
E.g. +44 (171) 936 3000
Customer Code
Your customer/account code (6 characters) for SekChek Services. Leave as ‘<—->’ if you don’t know your customer code and we will enter it for you.
Encryption Password
The password will be automatically included inside the encrypted package containing your Scan data. This password is not used to encrypt your Scan files, but is used to encrypt your SekChek reports. SekChek will require you to select a complex password consisting of at least 8 alpha-numeric characters. E.g. 1Lettuce4U
Public Key Encryption
This option enables SekChek’s Public Key encryption features. These features ensure that your Scan files and reports are securely encrypted with industry-standard encryption algorithms, such as RSA and DES. We recommend that you turn this option on.
For more information refer to Public-Private Key Encryption.
Preferred Report Format
Specify the format you require your SekChek reports in. E.g. Word 2007.
Paper Size
In general, Letter size stationery is used in the US & Canada & in some South American countries; A4 is mostly used in Europe, Australia, Far Eastern countries & in Africa.
Specify English US or English UK. Examples of differences in spelling are:
English US – color, summarize;
English UK – colour, summarise.
Large Report Options
Some SekChek reports can be very large, so we provide you with 2 options for handling report sections with a large number of lines. We can put large report sections in:
An MS-Access database; or
An Excel spreadsheet.
For example, if you request ‘All report sections greater than 100 lines in an Excel document’ the main report will be in Word format and report sections with less than 100 lines will be written to the document as Word tables. However, report sections with more than 100 lines will be written to Excel and the main Word document will contain hyper-links that point to the sections in Excel.
If you request ‘All report sections greater than 0 lines in an Access document’ the main report will be in Word format and all detailed report sections will be written to an Access document. The main Word document will contain hyper-links that point to the sections in Access.
Produce Summary Document
Click on (check) to request a summary document containing an Overall Rating of security against the industry average and a consultant’s comments on the report.
Default Path
You can enter a path that SekChek will initially default to for functions such as encrypting and decrypting Scan files and reports, and creating copies of Scan software.
Notification Request: Receive my Scan file
Instructs SekChek to notify you via email to confirm that we have received your Scan file.
Notification Request: Return my Report package
Instructs SekChek to notify you via email to confirm that your encrypted Report package has been despatched to you.
Notification Request: Delete my Scan data and Report…
Instructs SekChek to notify you via email as soon as your Scan data has been deleted from our system.
Navigate directories with single-click
Turn on to navigate directories with a single mouse click. Turn off (the default) to navigate with a double click.
Do not store my password in clear text
By default SekChek writes your password to its INI and log files in clear text format. Turn on to ensure your password is stored in a scrambled format. This serves as a mild deterrent against casual or inquisitive intruders.