Can I offer SekChek to a client of mine?
The answer is a definite YES. The majority of our clients are gained by referrals from existing clients. Your client can arrange a subscription through yourself or by contacting us directly.
Organisations choose to use SekChek for many reasons. These include SekChek’s unique ability to bench-mark their security measures against real-world security standards by industry type and location, savings in time & the cost of performing detailed security reviews, the consistency of the analyses, and the easy-to-read, graphical report summaries that are presented in a non-technical format.
Many organisations run SekChek on a regular basis, so they can monitor any changes in the strength of their security measures over different points in time. They also want to keep tabs on how they are doing compared with the competition!
SekChekĀ® is a registered trademark of SekChek IPS. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.